Thursday, February 4, 2010

Searle Family Pictures

Joe Adams did a great job taking our pictures...

Thanks to SJT-Comfort kit for the above pages...
Wordart from elegant word art...


Kerrilyn said...

Those are so cute!!! And so many of you. I love it!

chandra said...

I saw these on facebook and I just loved them! You did a really great job.

SWillmoreFamily said...

You are very talented sister. You did a really good job on these

SWillmoreFamily said...
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Ryan Family said...

Wow! Ok the pictures are great and the pages are great. Where did you get them again?

Anonymous said...

So dang cute! Your pages all look great! I need a lesson.

Bret Bushman Family said...

I use Creative are welcome to come over and I can give you a lot of the kits I have:)